Miles Driven: 318 miles
Hours in the car: 6
Borders crossed: 1
Today we drove across the vast Hungarian Steppe and into the Romanian mountains. Dan, the latecomer to the group, had his first experience driving Stevie and despite a quick little stall while trying to leave to the border crossing, did a fairly good job for his first time. The addition of a fourth driver allows the rest of us more time to relax and enjoy the fields of sunflowers and wildflowers, naps, or just try and ignore the fact that we haven’t showered since Sunday morning. The Romanian border was the first true border crossing we’ve had. It took us only about 20 minutes to get through with no issues.
The remainder of the day was pretty uneventful which will keep this blog post short. We enjoyed the nice scenery of driving through small Romanian villages with our route culminating on a camp site just north of the Carpathian Mountains. While it rained on and off since our arrival, we enjoyed a nice meal cooked by Joe, Euchre, and catching up with some other rally teams that have trickled in throughout the evening. Tomorrow, we’re completing the Transfăgărășan - a scenic highway through the mountains. The weather is looking to be nice, so we’re hoping for nice views and some hikes along the way. Our day tomorrow will hopefully end in Bucharest and a nice shower. -FWY
Campsite with other ralliers.